God Designed Worship
Faron Thebeau

I have been amazed over the years by the number of times that I have sat in the home of an elderly couple and heard them say, “I love my wife/husband more today than I ever did before.” They invariably will cast an intimate glance toward one another with a smile deepening on their face. In that gaze, the normal human eye will see a face more wrinkled than smooth, trembling hands on the ends of arms that were once as strong as steel along with other markers of the ravages of time. Once, many years ago, they looked at this person, perhaps knowing nothing about them, and fell in love. But the intimacy of shared experiences, bad and good, as they shared the path of life, bound together by commitment has only sweetened the love they once felt.
Perhaps, this is somewhat akin to the biblical concept of worship. This word has been so used in the Church that it has become somewhat generic; like the way we use the word “kleenex” or “bandaid.” They were once brands, distinct and cherished, but now are just a general term used to cover a wide range of offerings. So, now when we speak of “worship” we think of a style of music that we love, an emotion that we feel at just the right time, or a hand raised in the air. True worship, however, isn’t an experience or feeling that we can work up, it is the natural reaction of our recognition of our position before God.
In I Chronicles 16, David, under the direction of God, endeavored to create an environment that would lead the people of Israel into a perpetual worship. They had long been associated with God; their Father Abraham had been called by Him to leave his home, Moses had been called by Him to lead them out of Egypt and to the Promised Land. In their wanderings in the wilderness, a temporary Tabernacle was made to enhance their understanding of the presence of God among them. Now, however, David sought to create something more permanent.

Join us over the next three weeks as we examine these preparations to see how we may enhance our sense of worship and dedication toward God.
January 26 – “The Components of Worship” – I Chronicles 16:1-3
February 02 – “Organized Praise” – I Chronicles 16:4-7; 37-42
February 09 – “Gratitude: The Fuel Of Praise” – I Chronicels 16:8-36


Suggested Supplementary Tools For Study

“Rhythms of Grace” – Mike Cosper – https://www.amazon.com/Rhythms-Grace-Churchs-Worship-Gospel/dp/1433533421/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1NDW1JQLWTJL5&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.PswQTnFCPGmyqcmpiJ8SYbDawUow-i0jmBQhwKhCepQmFSs4HoqYV7BnwX4YgVjsp-pwIWiAGH7KaXR6oYECT4iQnr3qkIF2HGcmvBRt5p4.9rJNL9lPfoHykMC5mUhwdk94MBw85VSdccda5-sLeDE&dib_tag=se&keywords=rhythms+of+grace+by+mike+cosper&qid=1737642610&sprefix=rhythms+of+grace%2Caps%2C319&sr=8-1

“Gratitude” – Brandon Lake – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vA83MufOCoA
“How Great Thou Art” – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-hvI1nbS80