Cultivating The New Life My family arrived in Rolla in August of 2017. Of course the move was saturated with the excitement of many new things: a new home, new...
God Designed Worship I have been amazed over the years by the number of times that I have sat in the home of an elderly couple and heard them say, “I love my...
Crowning A New King As we stand in the midst of a contentious election year, perhaps you have been made aware that a change of leadership will always have...
Lessons In Discipleship: A Study In The Life of John The Baptist Join us over the next five weeks as we examine the life of John the Baptist for Lessons in Discipleship. You don’t have to be around a...
Lets Be Honest Have you ever met someone who is trying their best to construct something whole and sound without any instructions? The parents of a young...
Judgement is Coming We often joke about the “hard to read” sections of the Bible. Who hasn’t started the year with the intentions of reading the Bible...
Crazy Ezekiel is one of those books of the Bible that we often avoid. It has been said that, “The past is another country – they do...
Authentic Have you ever felt disillusioned? Do you ever look around you and wonder what is real, if there is anything left that you can believe in?...
Repentance One of the most unfortunate aspects of mankind’s fallen, sinful nature is a blind spot in the area of self. It is so natural and...